Monday, February 15, 2016

iOS 9.3 Jailbreak to be Released Before the end of February

The iOS users who are fans of jailbreaks are waiting for a sign from Pangu or TaiG, the teams of hackers who made the jailbreaking community very happy. However, since the release of the iOS 9.0.2 jailbreak, Apple has patched all exploits, making impossible for the hackers to crack the next iOS updates. However, there are rumors which say that the 9.3 jailbreak could arrive by the end of this month.
Neither Pangu, nor TaiG was able to bring jailbreak solutions for iOS 9.1, 9.2 or 9.2.1 because Apple has patched all vulnerabilities and if a while ago, none of these teams of hackers has encouraged the users to upgrade to the latest iOS version, the Pangu team has reconsidered its position and told its fans that it’s safe to update to iOS 9.2.1. TaiG, on the other hand, is teasing its fans with the release of the iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak, which might happen in any moment, if everything goes according to their plans.
But this doesn’t mean that they’re not focused on cracking the iOS 9.3 update, whose official release is getting closer and closer. The third beta of this update was made available to registered developers and it seems that it will come with bug fixes and hidden elements that will get users’ attention. Rumors say that the two teams of hackers will wait until the iOS 9.3 update will be released, then they will bring the jailbreak a day or two later.
Given that this is not the first iOS 9.3 beta and that hacking teams such as Pangu and TaiG have likely gotten their hands on the earlier versions as well, the groups may just be biding their time and making sure they have everything accounted for before finally debuting a new jailbreak. The first beta of iOS 9.3 contained vulnerabilities that have been used by an Italian developed named Luca Todesco, who managed to successfully jailbreak the software and posted the proof on his Twitter account, he was able to jailbreak the iOS 9.2.1, 9.1 and 8.4.1 versions, as well, but he never released the code to the public.
This means that Apple’s software is still vulnerable and can be jailbroken.

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