Thursday, May 7, 2015

Building Links to Your "About Us" Page

One of the most critical parts of your site, the "About Us" page (sometimes known as History, What We Do, Who We Are, etc.) is oftentimes neglected when it comes to generating links. However, with its potential to sell your site to a visitor, it may be worth paying a bit more attention to these days.

First off, let’s look at three big brands' About Us pages to see how many linking domains they have:

1. Copyblogger’s About Us page has 139 referring linking domains. The message here is that they practice what they preach.

Now those are huge brands doing totally unique things, but there’s still a chance for you, even if you get only a handful of good links.

So look at these guys for an example of fewer links:

1. Zaycon Foods has seven linking domains. Not too shabby.

2. SEO Chicks has 10 linking domains. (Disclaimer: I’m a cofounder of this site.)

3. Press 53 has 14 linking domains.

Not a great amount for either one, but still, most of those links are very natural and that’s a good thing!

A couple of key things to consider, though:

Should you do outreach for links to your About Us page?
Should you socialize it?
I have built links to clients' About Us pages before, but it’s definitely not been a large part of what we’ve done. To be honest, in many cases I’d find it awkward to do outreach and ask for links to that page unless it was done in a very relevant manner as I’ll show you below.

Example 1

Let’s say you offer heirloom seeds by mail. You started the company last year because you live in a remote area without any big garden centers and you’ve grown up planting heirlooms. Some of your seeds are actually from plants that your mother planted. You donate 10 percent of each order to a local charity.

What site would want to link to your About Us page?

A site with a post listing companies who donate part of the purchase price to charity.

A site with a post about interesting About Us pages.

A site with a post discussing the trend for companies to give back to the community

A site with a post about start-ups.

A site with a post about how gardening can bring you closer to your family.

Example 2

You are a local vet. Unlike many vets (at least ones around here), you treat chickens and offer home visits for all your clients. You do this because you noticed that there weren’t many vets treating chickens and because you realized that it was difficult for many of your oldest clients to bring their pets in for routine checkups.

What site would link to your About Us page?

Chicken forum site on a resource page about which vets treat chickens.

Local urban chicken site with a page listing which vets will treat chickens.

Site with a post talking about how more doctors and vets are making house calls.

Local senior citizen services site listing resources for pet health.

Site showcasing avian and/or farm vets.

The key is to have unique and relevant info on your About Us page. If you don’t have a hook or a story, you aren’t going to be very successful with this most likely. Everyone likes a good story. 

Although I did mention some ways to intentionally go after links to these pages, one of the things I like best about a good About Us page is that the naturally generated links tend to be exactly thatnatural. People don’t tend to link to these pages with over-optimized keywords, which is a huge selling point for me.

You should definitely check out some of the great resources that showcase fantastic About Us pages and can help you create a great one for yourself, so I’ll leave you with the following resources, but if you have anything to add I’d love to hear about it in the comments.'s Branding Best Practices About Pages That Rock.'s Best About Us Pages's Write Kick Ass Landing Page Copy

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